My dad is fighting stage four melanoma cancer and this evening while my sister and I were visiting him,
I asked him…
“How are you feeling about your condition right now, dad?”
And he responded…
“Well, it’s the hand I’ve been dealt and I’m accepting it.”
And I felt both the lightness of his acceptance….
And the heaviness of his sadness as we both had some tears well up.
We talked more about this, but the message I really want to share is that,
My prayer for all of us is…
May we be empowered in presencing the mindset of accepting the cards we have in this moment.
And may we have the courage to play those cards as joyfully as possible.
Sending you my love.
Kyle 🙏🏻🤟🏻

Kyle Jason Leitzke is an Ayurvedic Life Purpose Coach who helps you relate to your authentic self so you can understand your purpose for being here. From this self wisdom he helps empower you to "Live Your Wisdom, On Purpose."
Kyle is an experienced coach that has helped over 500 individuals with their purpose and direction in life. He is also a trained Holistic Ayurvedic Health Consultant.
Most commonly Kyle helps people overcome suffering from feeling anxiously lost and depressively stuck to become confidently clear and joyfully motivated in their life.